Pay calculator
Calculate your wage under the Retail Award.
Calculate your wage under the Retail Award.
Job titles may include:
Shop Assistant; Checkout Operator; Nightfiller; Trolley Collector; Video Hire Worker; Telephone Order Salesperson; Door-to-door Salesperson, and, Demonstrator and/or Merchandiser
Job titles may include:
Forklift Operator; Ride on Equipment Operator
Job titles may include:
Supervisor/2IC to Section/Department Manager; Person employed alone, responsibilities for the security and general running of a shop
Job titles may include:
Tradesperson (including, Butcher, Baker, Florist, Pastry Cook); Department Manager with up to 2 employees (including self); Supervisor of up to 4 sales staff; 2IC Shop Manager of a shop without Departments
Job titles may include:
A tradesperson in charge of other tradespersons within a section or department; Service Supervisor (more than 15 employees)
Job titles may include:
Assistant Manager of a shop with Departments/Sections; Department Manager with 5 or more employees (including self)
Job titles may include:
Visual Merchandiser
Job titles may include:
Store Manager of a shop with Departments/Sections
These pay rates are the General Retail Industry Award rates of pay. Many retail workers are covered by Enterprise Bargaining Agreements, check here to see if one applies at your workplace.
You must be paid for ALL time worked.
This includes if you’ve been asked to start 5 or 10 minutes early or stay on late.
When you complete training for work – you must be paid for it.
Even if it’s online training – it should be on work time.
If your employer requires you to wear a specific uniform – it shouldn’t cost you.
Your employer should pay for or provide any compulsory uniform.
Every day across Australia we’re helping our members to understand what their workplace rights are.
We know it can be confusing sometimes to know what to do when an issue comes up at work.
And if you’re just starting out in retail, it’s good to know what you should be paid and what to expect.
Is something not quite right at your workplace? Chances are our members have experienced something similar. Read through some of the issues we help our members with at work.
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Join the SDAHave a problem at work and you are not sure what to do? If you are an SDA member you have access to our industrial experts.
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