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Submissions & publications
Congrats to Penny on 35 years of service at Coles
“Congratulations to Penny from Coles who has just celebrated her 35 year milestone working for the company.
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Pat, Kathleen and Dot: Loyal SDA members
“Over the last 30 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting many staunch SDA unionists both as a rank and file member and an SDA official. After leaving school, I worked for eight years at Myer and two years at DJs. Very early on, I was introduced to the SDA and joined up straight away. Looking back, both workplaces had a strong culture of camaraderie and trade unionism.
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Emma resolves a roster problem
“Emma (name changed for privacy), a member of the SDA Tasmania and a single mother with a three-year-old child was working a four-day-a-week roster at a retail store.
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Daniel secures full-time hours
“All SDA members have access to experts who can explain your employment rights and talk to your employer on your behalf.
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Backpay WIN for Members at Primary Connect BRDC
“Members at the BRDC won backpay after the SDA raised concerns in relation to Exempt Team Members having their hourly rate incorrectly calculated.
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SDA members get a roof over their heads at Coles, Margaret River
“The loading dock was previously completely exposed to the rain and elements and posed a serious safety hazard.
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Western Australia
Irrinni’s story: “I feared for my safety every shift”
“While Irrinni had previously worked in retail and supermarkets, working in petrol was unlike other any other job she’d had before.
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SA, NT & Broken Hill
Employer pays $50,000 to settle underpayment claim
“Veg Out - a supermarket based in Victor Harbor- has paid $50,000 to settle an underpayment claim brought by the SDA union on behalf of their member Paul Baillie.
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SA, NT & Broken Hill
New Zombie Agreements could leave thousands of workers disadvantaged
“An SDA member at Surf Dive n Ski – with the support of the SDA - has terminated the outdated Billabong Enterprise Agreement 2012, which saw herself and other workers paid hundreds of dollars each below the minimum standards outlined in the Retail Award.
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SA, NT & Broken Hill
Breach of Rosters at Dan Murphy’s
“After a review by the SDA regarding potential breaches of rostered working hours, Dan Murphy’s members have collectively been back paid over $20,000!
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Newcastle, Central Coast & Hunter Valley