SDA & Luxottica EBA Negotiations Update
After a second round of negotiations, the Luxottica Retail Enterprise Agreement 2025 proposal (the proposal) is now available for Luxottica employees to review.
This process has been long and at times arduous.
The SDA and EBRs have negotiated strongly for the interests of Luxottica employees and have secured improvements to the last proposal offered to Luxottica employees in November 2023.
However, there were some SDA and EBR claims that were not agreed to by the Company, which has resulted in reductions in some entitlements.
With both the SDA/EBRs and the Company not able to reach common ground on these matters, the parties agreed to let Luxottica workers consider the positions and determine whether the offer is acceptable.
This document contains an overview of the major changes in the proposal, and we encourage all Luxottica employees to review and consider their vote carefully.
You can view the summary document below:
- To be determined – Will be discussed in coming bargaining meetings
- Current company position – On commencement (Sep/Oct) GRIA + 0.25%
Wages increases
- 1 July 2025: AWR + another 0.25%, then further increases in line with AWR
- Saturday penalty will increase from 100% to 125%
Permanent part-time minimum hours
- Increased minimum part-time engagement: 10 hours per week
Part-time – additional hours
Standing consent for additional hours
- A part-time employee can agree to provide standing consent to accept offers of additional ordinary hours without requirement for written agreement each time. These hours would be paid at ordinary rates and Penalty rates or loadings, Superannuation and Leave accrual would apply.
- Part-time employees can still refuse the offer of additional hours if they have provided standing consent.
- If part-time employees do not agree to additional hours, but Company still requires them to work, those hours would be paid at overtime rates.
Permanent increase to contract hours
- Once part-time employees have worked additional hours for 9 months, they have the right to elect to increase their contract hours by the average number of additional hours worked in the previous 39 weeks.
- If average hours worked per week in previous 9 months are 36 or more, part-time employees can elect to move to a full-time contract.
- Provides greater opportunity to increase guaranteed contract hours and improves stability of rosters/employment.
Spread of hours
- Work outside the spread of hours for all employees (including casuals) will be paid as overtime.
Rostering – other
- Retains 1 weekend off per two-week cycle, unless mutually agreed otherwise.
- Cannot be rostered for more than 6 consecutive days.
Higher duties
- Will be paid higher classification rate for time worked if less than 2 hours, or for the whole shift if more than 2 hours. (E.g. If an Associate Dispenser is required to open/close they will be paid for that time as a Dispenser.)
Workplace health and safety
- Clause includes reference to workload.
- This will allow employees to raise a grievance under the EA to dispute any unrealistic workloads that are placed on employees/under-staffing concerns.
- Reduction in Sunday penalty rate to 150% from 200%
Public Holidays
- Reduction in Public Holiday rate from 250% to 225%
Wage increases
- Won’t apply to those on over Agreement rates of pay
- Minimal increase starting rate for existing Dispensers
SDA/EBR Outstanding Matters | SDA/EBR Claim | Status |
Penalty Rates Sunday & Public Holidays | Pressed to keep current rates Alternate: staggered reduction | Luxottica Rejected |
Starting Wage rates | Still to be discussed | Ongoing |
Wage increases of those on above Agreement Rates of pay | Pressed for AWR increase to apply to all employees | Luxottica Rejected |
Additional week of Annual Leave | Provisions to recognise worth of employees and improve work life balance | Luxottica Rejected |
The SDA would appreciate feedback on the matters above and this can be done via the link to our survey below:
Being an SDA member means you receive access to important information about your pay and conditions at Luxottica.
We can help SDA members at Luxottica to understand their rights at work.
The SDA also works hard to keep you informed about any proposed changes to your entitlements including:
- During negotiations for a new agreement
- Before voting on a new agreement
- Changes to workplace legislation
Whether it’s your roster, breaks or what penalty rates apply – the SDA can provide you with information, support and advice that’s specific to Luxottica.
SDA members can access important resources and information that’s specific to your workplace.