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They help resolve issues, ensure fairness and play a direct role in our campaigns for change.
By becoming a Delegate, you can play a crucial role in shaping your workplace culture and ensuring that the rights of workers are always at the forefront.
They are trained to identify hazards, address safety concerns and work with employers to implement effective health and safety measures. HSRs are vital in creating a work environment where everyone feels safe.
Make a difference: By becoming a Delegate or HSR, you have the power to influence positive change in your workplace. You help us push for fairer working conditions, better safety standards and a stronger sense of solidarity in your workplace.
Support & training: The SDA provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure you are confident and effective in your role and ready to empower others.
Empower your coworkers: As a Delegate or HSR, you’ll play a key role in representing workers’ best interest in disputes and in negotiations.
Join over 200,000 SDA union members