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How SDA membership keeps wages growing on site
How the SDA is fighting back against unfair performance management
The SDA has been your Union on site at Woolworths DC for decades. The Union negotiates your wages and conditions with the Company and we are vigilant in protecting your industrial rights and safety on site.
The SDA’s negotiation and industrial strategy on site has always been to work with the Delegates nominated and elected by SDA Members.
Union Delegates volunteer their time to advocate for and assist members at work. They can help members resolve most workplace problems and have the full support of the Union should matters become more serious.
Simply put, your Delegates play a vital and significant role in fighting for and maintaining a fair workplace.
The Primary Connect PRDC JCC is a monthly meeting between your Union and Senior DC Management and part of the broader Union recognition the SDA has negotiated for in bargaining over the years.
The purpose of the meeting is to improve communication and to provide the opportunity to address and resolve issues of concern on site.
As SDA Delegates attend the meeting, it gives workers a means to bring everyday issues to the attention of management
As such, it is important to to let your Delegate know of any procedural or safety issues you or your team may have in order to have those issues discussed and hopefully resolved at the JCC.
SDA Delegates meet with your Union Organiser prior to the meeting discuss any issues that need to be addressed.
After the conclusion of the meeting with DC management, the minutes from the JCC meeting are made available for all workers on site to read. (Usually displayed on noticeboards in the foyer.)
As a Delegate I’m here to help members become more aware with what goes on at work, and ensure management treat us fairly.
My step dad was an SDA Delegate, his knowledge within the workforce made me want to follow in his footsteps.
Site communication from top to bottom need to be clear, coherent and transparent.
As a Delegate I’m here to stand up for our workplace rights and benefits.
DC workers deserve respect and we shouldn’t have to put up with being treated poorly.
As a Delegate I’m here represent workers in the JCC, to help educate members, and make positive changes on site.
I love helping and connecting with people. When workers have an issue, I’m ready to work with the team member and management to hopefully find a win-win solution.
We should always have transparency and fairness at work.
I was recommended to get involved with the Union by fellow Delegate Wayne, as I care for my co-workers and understand the struggles of DC work.
We need a common sense and less punitive approach to safety on site, and our performance standards need to be eased for the health and safety of all workers.
Delegates are here for members and to keep management honest.
Our leaders should have real DC floor experience, and if they don’t – they should listen carefully to those of us who know how things really work on the floor.
As a Delegate I’m here to educate, assist and support members, and to use my experience to help our employers understand the reality we face working on the floor.
DC workers need to understand the important role of unions, company policies and our EBA, and I’m happy to assist.
I became a Delegate to become a medium between management and the members, especially the Bhutanese community on site.
I’m also here to make sure that members on afternoon shift have a strong voice on site.
Simply put, as Delegates we’re here to protect the rights of union members at work.
It’s a vital leadership role that requires good communication to members and management alike.
We need to listen to and give more respect to the people that do the real work on site.
As a Delegate I’m here to represent those workers to the best of my ability.
I’m here to help my fellow workers and to grow Union membership on site.
We need a fair workplace where everyone is treated equally, and to spread understanding about our rights under the EBA.
I became a Delegate to immediately raise issues with management as new problems frequently arise on the floor.
Site Delegates and the SDA have made great progress on improving safety and protecting workers from unfair performance management.
I became a Delegate to help inform team members of their rights and represent them if things go wrong.
In my experience, managers do not always actually understand the details of the EA, that’s why it’s important to have union representation.