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At work with you

The SDA Newcastle & Northern Branch represents members in Newcastle, Central Coast & Hunter Valley regions in NSW.

The SDA has branches in every state and territory in Australia, so wherever you are, you can count on us to represent you and be there to help when you need it.

The Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees’ Association (SDA) is one of Australia’s largest trade unions representing retail, fast food and warehouse workers.

As a union and registered employee organisation under the Fair Work Act 2009, the SDA is not-for-profit organisation funded only by members, for members.

The SDA is governed by the rules of the Association and our audited accounts are published annually and are made freely available to all members.

Our history

In 1908, unions representing retail workers in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia joined together to become Federally registered as the Shop Assistants’ and Warehouse Employees’ Federation of Australia. Over time, state unions in Tasmania, Newcastle and Western Australia became part of the national union too.

In 1972 the union changed its name to the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association.

As a result of the union’s hard work and dedication since the 1890’s, SDA members are among the highest paid retail, fast food and warehouse workers in the world today.

The SDA has stood side by side with the nation’s retail workers as the industry revolutionised into its modern-day form, having endured historical events from the Great Depression to World Wars and then transformed in the 60s with the advent of American-style shopping centres, multinational companies and extended trading hours.



A black and white banner that says 8 hours labour 8 hours recreation 8 hours rest.


The cover of The Shop Assistant Magazine from March 1987.The front cover of the SDA's National Women's Policy from 1979.

Our achievements

Throughout the years, the SDA has won historic improvements for members including:
  • introduction of the five-day week
  • establishment of the 38-hour week
  • equal pay for women
  • introduction of parental leave
  • protecting public holidays
  • introduction of annual leave, personal leave plus family and domestic violence leave
  • and one of the greatest achievements of all – universal superannuation


Today the SDA remains committed to representing the best interest of its members by:

  • Advocating for fair wages and working conditions
  • Promoting workplace health and safety
  • Pushing back against unfair workplace agreements and practices
  • Supporting policies that benefit all Australian workers

The SDA has led the campaign for paid parental leave and workplace health and safety and is always at the forefront of protecting workers from unfair dismissal, termination and redundancy.

The Union will always support campaigns that promote sensible and progressive rights for ordinary Australian workers.

The SDA is member-focused and will be front and centre if the right to a “fair go” of any of its members is challenged.

Read more about SDA membership

Our impact

Over 200,000 SDA union members standing together across Australia.

More than $7 million dollars recovered in claims and compensation for SDA members in 2024 alone.

A strong and united voice for retail, fast food & warehousing workers for over 130 years.

Watch what we can achieve together

Join over 200,000 SDA union members