Good news! The new Agreement which was voted up by Sephora workers in early 2024 has now been approved by the Fair Work Commission.
At the Fair Work Commission, the SDA advocated for and secured a number of improvements including:
- Better rostering rights for part-timers
- Evening penalty rates for casual workers after 6pm
- Guaranteed increases to your pay when working outside the span of hours
- Improved rights for salaried managers
Thanks to union members, all Sephora workers will be better off than they would have been under the original Agreement put forward.
All changes to conditions for Sephora workers will take effect from 20 December 2024 and will remain in effect until at least 13 December 2028.
You can read about all the changes in the new Sephora Agreement here.
Thank you to SDA members for supporting our work to secure improved pay, conditions and workplace rights for all Sephora workers.