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As a result of our petition to bargain for better pay and conditions, Lush has now agreed to commence negotiations for an Enterprise Agreement with the SDA.

This will be the first-ever Enterprise Agreement for Lush retail workers – and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of SDA members.

By standing together, we have sent a clear message that Lush workers want to have a say on their pay and conditions.

Here’s what happens next:

Before negotiations begin, the SDA will be out in Lush to survey workers and find out what they would like to see changed or improved.

The feedback from workers will help form our log of claims to take to the company, so it’s important to have their say.

The SDA and SDA Delegates will represent Lush workers in negotiations.

Working with the SDA bargaining team, SDA Delegates will play an important role in the bargaining process in helping us formulate our log of claims and ensuring the best interests of Lush workers are put first.

Once an Agreement is reached, workers will have the final say on it. No new Agreement can be put in place without a majority yes vote in a ballot of workers.

Being a member of the SDA is the best way to have your voice and values heard at the bargaining table.

We are committed to a thorough bargaining process to secure the best Agreement possible and win improvements to your pay and conditions.

If you’re not a member or know someone who isn’t, encourage them to join now.

Thank you to SDA members for standing up and helping us fight for better pay and conditions at Lush.