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Following a ballot of Team Members at the Primary Connect Heathwood Chiller and Freezer DC, a majority voted ‘YES’ in favour of the proposed new Agreement.

The proposed Agreement will not go to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for approval.

The Heathwood CFDC’s employees Agreement also included :

  • An 8.5% first year wage increase;
  • Improved shift allowances for afternoon shift;
  • Paid Natural Disaster Leave;
  • Forklift and Training allowances ;
  • a $1,000 gift card; and
  • much more!

The SDA also secured a “A fair days work for a fair days pay” clause in the agreement which recognises that every individual is different and the Company can only expect them to work to the best of their ability, not to an arbitrary number.

This means that the Company can use metrics to calculate numbers of staff needed for a shift, and they can use metrics to indicate that there might be a performance issue, but they cannot formally discipline someone who is genuinely performing to the best of their ability and simply not reaching an arbitrary performance standard.

The SDA has previously also secured similar clauses at the BRDC and the YADC.

We will keep members updated about the progression of the Agreement through the Fair Work Commission.